2D Book. The Magic Ball.

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Use this 4,1 stars rated unique Android/iOS engine for making sounded ebook in two languages (languages'switch in the menu).

For sale source codes for quickly creating books for iOS where text is accompanied with sounds of the event of the story. The books have possibility to make bilingual content. Just change cover, text, sounds and headings and release a lot of books and earn on admob or ability to block ads through in-purchase.

Text me, if you want to buy iOS and Android codes, it'll be 1,5 times more expensive.

How it works.

iOS version distributes the text on any page of any iOS devices.

Android version - it's just screenshots of text, so it weights more.

To make a sounded book, you must devide the text to the pages and sound engineering manually for each page. The pages are fixed and sounds are tied to the pages. So the user can not change font in the settings.

85% of users read with speed which we suggest. There are 2 tracks of sounds: one-off (which sounds just once while you are on the page: like creaking doors, cough) and background (which repeats during the user stares the page: like wind or rain). The user can change volume of each track. So if he doesnt match our speed, he can switch off one-off sounds and listens to only background track.

Also there are a lot of ideas on how to calculate users speed and change speed of sounds. For example, to test reading of the text. Or by apple of the eye. But we have not implemented it.

How to earn. First of all you must use interesting famous content. While you'll be making sound engineering by your own, use short stories of famous authors. Also you can advice to some famous publishing house the whole technology. That'll increase their sellings. Also - to start fundraising campaugn on Indiegogo or Kickstarter to gain funds for a child sounded book. Firt of all you'll gain funds and earn (and upgrade the code and technology). Second - you'll make an ads to this your book and you as a developer. Also, as for earnings, you can let users to unblock sounds only via in-purchase. Block a half of book and unblock after in-purchase. Earn on admob and on blocking it. And so on.

You just need to fill the books with a famous interesting content.

Articles about the app (in Russian): http://apps.plushev.com/2015/01/22/3200/ and http://ilenta.com/applications/application_96.html.

Text me, if you want the app (Android or iOS or both) with transfer. I'm changing field of activity and selling all 30 apps I've developed in last 4 years. Check my listings.

2D Book source code

Android source code

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