Android Push notification + Web panel

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Demo Admin panel :


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id : demo_admin password : admin123


This is a very lightweight and power full of Google Cloud Messaging / C2DM with the interactive Admin Panel.

GCM is contained 2 form

Admin Panel [PHP version:] offers a interactive UI to control App. Android offers a robust with better error handling mechanism of Google Cloud Messaging / C2DM .

Admin Panel

Admin panel provide you a user interactive form where you can easily manage your Dashbord, Users, Reports etc…

Dashbord : Dashbord contain an easy to use sender with Live Preview. yes you can send based on your App [if multiple registered].


Users : This section contain detailed about your registered users. you can set their or send : This section contains about all your s with history

Reports : As the name suggest, it contains all you like to know about your like


Success the number of users is sent successfully. Failed : the number of users is not sent and failed to sent. : the number of users have a canonical id and being to base for ensuring the user will receive for sure..:) Removed : the number of users are no longer using your App and have uninstalled your App. [They will be removed from our base]



Android package provides a of Google Cloud Messaging Service / C2DM. The contain various customized receiver like Simple Dialog Web Activity Toast Don’t Forget To Give us And Reviews After Purchasing


How To Configure

you can get documantation Here

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Sub Total Price: $50



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