
Source Code Only $50
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App Locker can lock any apps you choose, with abundant options, protecting your privacy. App Locker can hide pictures and videos, App Locker empowers you to control photo and video access.

With this app, you don't have to worry about your private information on your phone to be exposed to other people. You don't have to worry about your friends messing your phone up by changing the settings.

Smart Features
✔ Lock System Apps - Gallery, SMS, Contacts, Gmail, Playstore, File Manager, Call, Dialer, Call Logs, You tube, Video player etc.
✔ Lock Downloaded Apps - Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, Snap Chat, Skype, BBM, Line, Twitter, Games, etc.
✔ Lock Advanced Apps - Uninstall, Settings, Task manager, SD Folders etc.
✔ A Vault to hide Photos & Videos
✔ Support theme, such as dark theme...
✔ Hide App Icon
✔ Lock incoming & outgoing calls 



App Locker

App Locker can lock any apps you choose, with abundant options, protecting your privacy. App Locker can hide pictures and videos, App Locker empowers you to control photo and video access.

With this app, you don't have to worry about your private information on your phone to be exposed to other people. You don't have to worry about your friends messing your phone up by changing the settings.

Smart Features
✔ Lock System Apps - Gallery, SMS, Contacts, Gmail, Playstore, File Manager, Call, Dialer, Call Logs, You tube, Video player etc.
✔ Lock Downloaded Apps - Whats App, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, Snap Chat, Skype, BBM, Line, Twitter, Games, etc.
✔ Lock Advanced Apps - Uninstall, Settings, Task manager, SD Folders etc.
✔ A Vault to hide Photos & Videos
✔ Support theme, such as dark theme...
✔ Hide App Icon
✔ Lock incoming & outgoing calls 

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  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $50



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