Background Changer

Source Code Only $15
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  1. Full source code .
  2. Screenshots.
  3. apk file
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Demo Apk:-

Background Changer

Background changer

Please follow below steps to set up and upload your app on play store.

About this product:

-This product is developed in eclipse SDK. You can do any customization with the code. 

- You will create new app in few minutes if you have basic knowledge of java programming. 

- App is integrated with admob. Admob will help you to earn revenue.


-splash screen-select image from camera/gallery
-crop image-delete unwanted background
-give effect to your image like opacity, brightness, contrast-select background from lot of attractive background
-Save share image to your friends.
-Ad mob integrated
- banner and interstitials ads.
- Easy to use and customize

How to import source code : 

Please import 4 folders that is Background Earser, cropper library, WScratchViewLibrary and google play service library
After importing 4 folders please add as library project in photo mirror effect app

•    How to change admob id : 

Go to res/values/strings.xml file 

<string name="admob_banner">ca-app-pub-2691806550199991/6095167863</string ;string name="admob_intersitials">ca-app-pub-2691806550199991/9048634267</string>

    •    How to change package name : 

Go to you can put your company name for exa : name.background_eraser

•;How to change application name : 

Go to res/values/strings.xml file 

<string name="app_name">Background changer </string>

    •    How to change graphics :  

You will get all the images in res\drawable, drawable-mdpi folder. 

Let me know if you have any issues just send me message here.


Thank You.

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Source Code Only

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  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $15



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