Child Lift Safety

Source Code Only $100
Reskin Store Submission? $1,000
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Being an educational leader in this Child Lift Safety game and teach your kids all the safety rules of lift in a fun way. In this Lift Safety game, you can find a list of tips to know to when using an elevator. First of all, you can learn If the lift is full then never try to stop a closing door and wait for the next ride, Wait till everyone gets off the lift. Next you can learn about elevator buttons and pay attention to the floor indications. Now it's very important to learn If the lift should ever be stuck between floors, and also learning how to use the Emergency button. Here in this Elevator safety game for kids, you can learn what to do in case of fire in the lift. There are tons of safety tips that you have to learn so visit each and every educational level and teach your kids how to use the lift.

Child Lift Safety Tips:
- Read the instructions properly before entering into the lift
- Stand clear of the elevator doors
- Never climb out of a stalled lift
- If the lift doors do not open then press the open button
- Do not throw rubbish into the elevator
- Best educational game for kids ever



Step – 1: Import “” to AndroidStudio.




————————Your Project Configured successfully—————————



Step - 2: make changes for Appname, in-App id and adMob id


2.1 = in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see app folder,inside that folder there will be a res folder,inside that folder there will be, value folder in that there will be a string.xml file

->open string.xml



->Make changes to fields according to your requirement here


2.2 = For example: your app name is Sky fighter and Currently It is having name “NewGame” in string.xml then


<string name="app_name">Your App Name</string>


<string name="app_name">Sky fighter</string>



2.3 & 2.4 =

Same As Above Change “admob_id” , “intersttial_id” , “base64_encoded_key”






Step - 3:


3.1 = Change Your Package Name :

->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see AndroidManifest.xml file

change “com.XXX.ZZZ” to You Packagename




3.2 =


->in AndroidStudio,Below the project Folder there will a other tab named Gradle scripts, click the arrow beside the Cradle Scripts

->open the "build.gradle(Module:withProjectName)"


In that replace your package name with the old one


For example:


applicationId "com.XXX.ZZZ"


applicationId "Your Packagename"





->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see “src” folder,inside that folder there will be a “org.cocos2d.cpp” folder,inside that folder there will be a AppActivity file

change “import com.XXX.ZZZ.R;” to You PackageName




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  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $100



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