Color Cube - endless puzzle rush - one touch complete project ready for release

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Tap on the cube to change its color to match the approaching cubes!
Matching the color of the approaching cube will allow you to pass through the cube .
You need to match colors of all 9 cubes in order to pass.
Every time you pass through the block you will get +1 score.

Very easy to implement rewarded ads when cube crashes, so player can continue playing after rewarded ad finishes. If you want to use unity ads just open UnityAdsExample script from folder "Scripts", uncomment all code and put your game id in gameId variable. And that's it!

If you want to use other ad network just call GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent< MenuSelect>().GameContinue(); when on ad finish event is called.
You could also monetize game using top banner.

In case you want to implement google play games or apple game center leaderboard, just call Social.ReportScore(PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("bestScore"), "YOUR LEADERBOARD ID", (bool success) => {}); to upload best score into leaderboard. Game is endless so main goal is to try to score as much as you can and to have fun!


Color Cube - endless puzzle rush - one touch complete project ready for release

Test apk:

Tap on the cube to change its color to match the approaching cubes!
Matching the color of the approaching cube will allow you to pass through the cube .
You need to match colors of all 9 cubes in order to pass.
Every time you pass through the block you will get +1 score.

Very easy to implement rewarded ads when cube crashes, so player can continue playing after rewarded ad finishes. If you want to use unity ads just open UnityAdsExample script from folder "Scripts", uncomment all code and put your game id in gameId variable. And that's it!

If you want to use other ad network just call GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent< MenuSelect>().GameContinue(); when on ad finish event is called.
You could also monetize game using top banner.

In case you want to implement google play games or apple game center leaderboard, just call Social.ReportScore(PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("bestScore"), "YOUR LEADERBOARD ID", (bool success) => {}); to upload best score into leaderboard. Game is endless so main goal is to try to score as much as you can and to have fun!


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Sub Total Price: $50



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