Dream Manager

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This fantastic 5k downloads app can program surroundings in/and while your dream

This app runs preset sequence of sounds when you sleep. The aim is to change background of your dream and this really works. Say, when you sleep, the app switches on and runs the sounds of the ocean. And wherever you do in your dream, you'll move to the ocean. You can try it yourself. The app is most popular on Korea.

Or preset a program of rain to relax and sleep or to create romantic atmosphere.

There are 3 tracks of sounds and 40 preset sounds. On one you preset the wind, and the wind will repeat over and over. On another preset the rain. And the third is the most tricky. You can preset a lot of sounds there at the same time, and they will be activating randomly. So the each new repetition will be unique.

Also among settings you can choose number of repetitions and the time when the program shell start. For instance, let it starts in 3 hours and has 50 repetitions.

You also can activate flash with the sound of thunder. So it'll be very authentically.

There are a lot of preset programs, also you can make your own.

How to earn on the app.

First - redesign it. It has old awful default design. I can recomend you good designer, which takes 30$ for icon and about 150 for interface.

Second - make it smarter. The interface is undigested now.

Third - integrate in-purchase of blocking ads and possibility to add users sounds to use flash, to use the third track etc. Or block the main functions in a week, so user must pay to unblock it. I'll help to promote it.

The better way to monetize - is to lock possibility to create own user's program and unblock it for in-purchase payment.

The most active users of the app are Koreans for some reason.

Dream Manager

Source code for 3 versions of the app, designed in Eclipse.

Admob is integrated.

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Sub Total Price: $25



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