Flappy Bird Clone

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This app is a Flappy Bird clone with many exrta to keep users occupied. The app is basketball themed and allows the user to use players such as LeBron James, Tony Snell, and Kobe Bryant. The theme can be easily changed to fit your personal needs. Also the app has 10 different medals the user is able to earn by getting farther in the game. The app is equipped with iAd banner ads and interstitial ads. Also there are in-app purchases to remove ads and to buy coins allow the user to unlock new players. Finally, the game has an offline leaderboard and a Game Center leaderboard too. This app has a lot of potential and can be customized in an infinite amount of ways. As seen with Flappy Bird, an app like this has tons of potential to become thousands of dollars.

Source Code Instructions for Flappy Ballerz

The folder "elements" is what holds all of the pictures for the application. The folder "Icons:Load Screens" holds images for the app's icons and splash screens. The folder "sideScroller" contains all of the classes for the app. "Main.storyboard" holds the storyboard for the app. "medalViewController" is the view that displays the medals that the user has earned. "InAppViewController", "IAPHelper", and "SuperIAPHelper" all contain code for the in-app purchases. These classes need to be edited to contain any in-app purchases you add to the project. Just edit the names of the in-app purchases. "purchaseViewController" and "purchases" holds the code for the view that allows users to buy new players. Edit these folders to add new characters to the application. "ViewController" is the main view for the entire application. "MyScene" is the scene where the user plays the game and jumps through the hills. Edit this view to change any gameplay features. "mainScreen" is the beginning screen of the app that displays the menu. Finally, "highscoresViewController" holds the local scores and also displays a button to access Game Center high scores.

Licensing Agreement

Buying this source code will allow the buyer to have the rights to one copy of the app. The buyer will only be allowed to sell this copy of the app on the app store and is not allowed to distribute the source code.

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Sub Total Price: $5



Joey Chung(2 Items)
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