Flights above the Earth

Source Code Only $49
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Use this app as a basis for developing addictive profitable multiplayer game.

This app was supposed to became online multiplayer war game. But we just released cut version. In this app the user can fly over the sattelite google maps via gyroscope of the phone. User can save interesting points and share them with friends. You can fly randomly or use a certain direction. You can use 3 ways to reach a certain direction: following the arrow, by teleportation, by autopilot. Watch the amazing video of flying.

The idea of the game is the next. Connect different users through server. Picture the users being pursued by each other on planes. So they must fly around and hit each other. Maybe different tasks, like total destruction or defending a certain land. Sell to users armour, weapon and types of planes. Of course it's a lot of work, but you can buy here the basis - graphical engine with basic features of flying. Also port it to iOS.

The link to the store leads to the lite version. I inclose the link to the full version separately in this listing.

Admob is integrated in lite veriosn.

I'm selling it, cuz I'm selling all the apps I created (check all my listings) and switch to another field. 

Text me to get the full list of apps or if you want to buy my iOS/Android apps with transfer.

Flights above the Earth

1. Source code of full version.

2. Code of lite version.

3. Easy import to Eclipse and reskin instruction.

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Source Code Only

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  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $49



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