Flippy Platforms - spin the wheel and rotate the floors - ready for release

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This is complete project - ready for release.

Test apk: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ml81c3wm9to22br/flippy%20platforms.apk?dl=0

Spin the wheel to rotate all platforms on the level and guide ball to the exit. Progress through the various combinations of obstacles and try to complete all 21 level.

Game is ready for release. Currently have 21 level, it is very easy to edit and add new levels.

Very easy to implement the ads. Inside this project is a script called "GameMenus.cs ", It is used for navigation through different menus, so you can show the ads when user navigate through menus or when user complete level.

Flippy Platforms - spin the wheel and rotate the floors - ready for release

This is complete project - ready for release.

Test apk: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ml81c3wm9to22br/flippy%20platforms.apk?dl=0

Spin the wheel to rotate all platforms on the level and guide ball to the exit. Progress through the various combinations of obstacles and try to complete all 21 level.

Game is ready for release. Currently have 21 level, it is very easy to edit and add new levels.

Very easy to implement the ads. Inside this project is a script called "GameMenus.cs ", It is used for navigation through different menus, so you can show the ads when user navigate through menus or when user complete level.

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Sub Total Price: $50



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