High School Science Chemistry Class Experiments

Source Code Only $50
Reskin Store Submission? $1,000
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Hey Friends, If Chemistry was your favorite subject then Science chemistry for kids is the perfect game for you. There are tons of different science experiments with instructions that you can do right at home easily. In this Science chemistry game, kids learn interesting science facts by experimenting with different types of equipment like aluminum, bowl, magnet, mint gum, thread, gas lighter, ethanol, calcium chloride, machine, pipe, balloon, air pump, candle, spoon, vinegar and much more. Here you'll find a lot of experiments like to check the magnetic fields of a magnet when passed through different material pipes, observe the reaction between cold drinks and mint gum, learn to serve tea from the teapot without lifting it and much more. Play and enjoy this Science chemistry for kids game and share it with all your friends and family members.

Fun with more Experiments:

- Demonstrate different colors of fire
- Clean copper pan using vinegar and salt
- Insert a needle in a balloon without popping it
- Make fire extinguisher using baking soda and vinegar
- See why breakfast cereals get attracted to a magnet

Key Feature:

- Complete each level to unlock the next level of science experiment
- The aim will be shown before the experiment so kids can understand what the experiment is about
- The conclusions at the end of each game will help you understand the motive of the experiment
- Very simple and fun to perform

Warning: Kids should not perform these experiments without adult supervision

Step – 1: Import “proj.android-studio” to AndroidStudio.




————————Your Project Configured successfully—————————


Step - 2: make changes for Appname, in-App id and adMob id


2.1 = in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see app folder,inside that folder there will be a res folder,inside that folder there will be, value folder in that there will be a string.xml file

->open string.xml



->Make changes to fields according to your requirement here



2.2 = For example: your app name is Sky fighter and Currently It is having name “NewGame” in string.xml then


<string name="app_name">Your App Name</string>


<string name="app_name">Sky fighter</string>



2.3 & 2.4 =

Same As Above Change “admob_id” , “intersttial_id” , “base64_encoded_key”




Step - 3:


3.1 = Change Your Package Name :

->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see AndroidManifest.xml file

change “com.XXX.ZZZ” to You Packagename



3.2 =


->in AndroidStudio,Below the project Folder there will a other tab named Gradle scripts, click the arrow beside the Cradle Scripts

->open the "build.gradle(Module:withProjectName)"

In that replace your package name with the old one


For example:


applicationId "com.XXX.ZZZ"


applicationId "Your Packagename"





->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see “src” folder,inside that folder there will be a “org.cocos2d.cpp” folder,inside that folder there will be a AppActivity file

change “import com.XXX.ZZZ.R;” to You PackageName




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  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $50



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