Learning Activities For Kids

Source Code Only $150
Reskin Store Submission? $1,299
Documented   Author Support   14 Days Money Back Guarantee


Demo Video


Learn lot of different basic activities That the little toddlers need to learn in Their childhood.

Arrange the cards with the images of different objects on it and compare it with the real objects.

Learn the names of different objects in this educational game.

Do lot of different fun activities in this game-which will all be helpful for all the kids and toddlers with lot of different learning activities in it.

You can easily customize this App Template to any theme of your choice by just changing 2D Graphics, icons, Default images and sounds.

The source code is outstanding and is implemented in JAVA

Is already optimized for Mars Mallow (latest Android 6)

Admob implemented & ready

-  Easy tools to use

-  Easy move for complete task

-  Complete all toddlers need

-  Share this game with all your friends and enjoy playing


                                      Demo Apk:- 



Step 1 : Add google play services in eclipse

Open eclipse->file->new->project->android->android project from existing code->select project (select google play services)














Step 2 : Add Library in eclipse

Same as step1 (choose libcocos2dx)



Step 3 : Add google play service in library

Libcocos2dx->right click->properties->android->select google play service to by clciking on add button







Step 4 : Import your project in eclipse

Follow step 1




Step 5 : Add library to your project





Step 6 : Change banner id and instertitial id

Your project->res->values->strings.xml







Step 7 : Change your game name

Your project->res->values->strings.xml








Step 8 : Change your game package name




Your project->right click->rename application package->change your package name->ok










Click on finish to finish




Step 9 : Change icon

Select project->res->put 144*144 icon in

- drawable-hdpi

- drawable-ldpi

- drawable-mdpi

- drawable-xhdpi








Step 10 : Generate apk

Select project->android tools->signed application package







Give Your project name







Give Keystore Location and password







Give Alias to your keystore







Give path where you want to save your generated APK




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Source Code Only

We will send you original source Code with multiple licences - Read More  |  License


Reskin/App Store Submission?

Get this App/Game Fully Reskinned(with Source Code) and Published on the App Store. - Read More  |  License

  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $150



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