Need to update in the database:
At first open the database "DB_LogoQuiz.sqlite"(which is available in "asset" directory) in "sqlite browser" .
update LevelTbl:
'max_points' is the maximum points of that level.
initially set hints and points as "0" only.
description of that particular level.
update the "LogoTbl" table:
'Logo_id' must be in increasing manner and it must be same as the digit of that image name of logo.
i.e logoid will be 56 if the image name of that logo is logo_56.png.
Logo_name= answer of that logo
Value_point= points of that particular question or logo.
update the "StatusTbl":
give appropriate email_id, level_id, question_id.
Initially set status="null" and hints_used="0" for all records
update HintTbl:
update the Logo_id and Hintsequence with appropriate Hint answer.
Need to update in eclipse project
Create new directory with "Level<no_of_level>"(case sensitive) in "assets" folder and insert all logos to that directory.
the name of the logos must be in sequencial manner.
last two number must be sequencial manner because it refers as the "logo id" in database.
Level1 has logo_01.jpg, logo_02.jpg,....., logo_12.jpg
then Level2 has logo_13.jpg, logo_14.jpg,........, logo_n.jpg
same, Level3 must have logo_<n+1>.jpg, logo_<n+2>.jpg,.... and so on.
Change the no_of_levels in SavedData.java to the number of levels available.
Change the game_link from res->values->strings.xml to share the link while challenging on facebook.
Also Change the more_link from strings.xml.