Math Freak

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This game is a challenge to all those who say "I am good mhs".
Finish as many mhs questions as possible with the least time.
With google leaderboard integred, get to know how you fair with players globally.

- Google Leaderboard integred.
- Admob integred.
- Easy reskin (clearly documented in the package).

How to reskin.

Getting Started
Importing code into Eclipse
Adding Admob ads
Integrating Google Play Leaderboards
Removing Errors(If any)
Changing App name
Changing Package Name
Changing Color for app backgrounds
Changing Graphics
Changing Text in Game
Change Timer of gameplay
Copyright creativedroids 2014
made with the Documenter v2.0
Freaking Maths
This is just plane maths
by: creativedroids
This game is a challenge to all those who say "I am good at maths".
Getting Started
To start with the project you have to perform some simple tasks.
1. Import the project into your eclipse IDE.
2. Modify admob ads into the project.
3. Changing the basics of project like app name, package name.
4. Reskinning the project with changing the graphic content present in the project.
5. Deploy in the play store.
Yep thats it . These are the only step you need to worry about . Each step is explained in detail given below.
Importing code into Eclipse
To import the code into your eclipse do the following steps
1. Click on File
2. Select New Project
3. Select Android Project
In the dialog, choose the option "Existing Project" and put the path to the project root
Eg - you have put code in C drive then put the path as Local Disk C
In the following list you will be shown the list of projects that you can select Then
select Freaking Maths.
Adding Admob ads
Note - This section is only for users using Google admob ads. If you dont want to use
admob then skip this step. However you will be getting some errors due to missing
library files. These errors will be removed by removing Adrequest and Adview
varaibles.(Just delete the lines causing errors)
Another folder for google play services are provided with the code. Just copy the code
and paste into the same place where you imported your eclipse project. Normally it
is C:\Users\<-- your computer user name-->\workspace
To import the services do the following steps
1. Right Click on your project in eclipse project explorer
2. Select Properties
3. In the dilaog select android
4. In the library section select add then select the google play games library
5. select Ok.
Note - Do change the admob id that you get from admob with the one already given in
the code by following steps
Open the code in eclipse then go to res--> values ---> strings then you will see a line
like given below
1. <string name="interstitial_id">ca-app-pub-5354131755778514/6505214871</string>
Delete a15305056466330 and add your admob id over here it should look like this
1. <string name="interstitial_id">your_Id</string>
Integrating Google Play Leaderboards
Integrating Google Play Leaderboards
To use Leaderboards you have to first import the library files given along with the code
Another folder named baseGameUtils is provided with the code. Just copy the code
and paste into the same place where you imported your eclipse project. Normally it
is C:\Users\<-- your computer user name-->\workspace
To import the services do the following steps
1. Right Click on your project in eclipse project explorer
2. Select Properties
3. In the dilaog select android
4. In the library section select add then select the BaseGameUtils library
5. select Ok.
In eclipse Go to
then you will see a segement which says values for Google Play Leaderboards
This segment consists of two values
<string name="app_id">921732932720</string>
<string name="leaderboard_id">CgkIiPqB5OcJEAIQAQ</string>
the first one is app id , other is the leaderboards id
All these values are obtained from your google play dashboard.
Change these values with your own values
For more information about how to get these values refer to the following links
Removing Errors(If any)
If you recieving any errors most likely R cannot be resolved to a variable or android
cannot be resolved to any type then do the folllowing
1. Right Click on your folder in package explorer in eclipse
2. Slect properties
3. Then select Android
4. Then in the android build target folder select the latest sdk you have.
5. Select OK.
Changing App name
In eclipse Go to
then you will see a line like this
1. <string name="app_name">Freaking Maths</string>
change this to
1. <string name="app_name">YOUR_NAME</string>
Changing Package Name
To change package name
Right click on your project in eclipse, scroll down to Android Tools, and then click on
Rename Application Package.
Enter your name and hit Ok
Changing Color for app backgrounds
Open the code in eclipse then go to project directory then res--> values ---> colors then you will
see a lines like given below
<color name="textColor">#ffffff</color>
<color name="background">#19b864</color>
<color name="timerBack">#0090ee</color>
Change the color to any of your need
To change the random colors that we get in gameplay
Go to src-->com-->creativedroids-->freakingmath--->
Search for this function - randomColorGetter
Here you will see complete color list.
Changing Graphics
To change graphic images Go to your project folder -> res
you will see folders like
Thes folders contain graphics that are used in the game for different types of devices
Just change the images to your images and DO NOT RENAME YOUR NEW
Eg - if your are changing an image theme_1.png
then replace it with another image with the name as theme_1.png
Devices with their notations
1. ldpi - devices with resolution 240x320.
2. mdpi - devices with resolution 320x480.
3. hdpi - devices with resolution 480x800.
4. xhdpi - devices with resolution 720x1280.
5. xxhdpi - deives with resolution 1080x1920.
6. large-hdpi - for tablets like nexus 7.
7. xlarge-mdpi - for tablets like nexus 10.
Changing Text in Game
To change the text present in game do the following steps
In eclipse Go to
Change the text to whatever you need.
Change Timer of gameplay
Go to file
search for this line - private final static int inititialTimer = 1000;
here 1000 is the time in miliseconds which means 1 second
if you want to increase timer change timer to 2000
like this
private final static int inititialTimer = 2000;

Licensing Agreement

The app should be reskinned before being redistributed.

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Sub Total Price: $50



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