All wallpaper images, dock bar, status bar images, stickers, clock images that appear on wallpaper are in resources folder of Xcode. One needs to only replace them as needed to their own images. One can also increase the count of wallpaper,dock bar,status bar, clock images and stickers by increasing or decreasing the array count in the classes of :
WallpaerViewcontroller :
carouselItems = [@[@"w0", @"w1", @"w2", @"w3", @"w4",
@"w5", @"w6", @"w7", @"w8", @"w9",
@"w10", @"w11", @"w12",@"w13", @"w14"] mutableCopy]; // if user purchased package before, add extra wallpapers to carousel if (packWallpapersPurchased) { [carouselItems addObjectsFromArray:@[@"w15",@"w16",@"w17",@"w18",
@"w46",@"w47",@"w48",@"w49"]]; }
Similarly for status bar : StatusBarViewController
dock bar : DockBarViewController
extra images : ExtraViewController
clock & slider image : ClockSliderViewController
For setting of 5 In App Purchase, one need to set up "product id" in itunes connect and replace them in the code for class : Constant.m