1. To edit quotes go in assets and open quotes.xml you can easy add more qoutes if needed
2. To change ads go in res/layout activity_quotes.xml and replace ads:adUnitId="YOUR ID" with your own id
3. To change app name go to values then strings.xml <string name="app_name">Quotes</string> replace Quotes
4. Rename application package
5. Replace all images in drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-xhdpi and drawable-xxhdpi
6. In strings.xml add your autors of quotations add more <item>AUTOR</item> if needed
7. To change background color go in res/layout activity_main_menu.xml and activity_quotes.xml replace android:background="#00A5D4" with your own color
8. Run your app
If you have any questions, please add a comment.