This app helps to fall asleep not through relaxing music like regular apps for sleeping. This app is based on real medicine gadget and yoga method of breathing. The app was mentioned in a bunch of articles, including Tweaktown and others ( When some source writes about this app, downloads increase on 900%. Also read reviews by users to make sure it works or test it yourself.
200 million Americans suffer from insomnia. It's your clients.
Text me if you want both Android and iOS version. It'll be 1,5 times more expensive. I'm selling this app, cuz I'm chenging field of activity and selling all 30 apps I've developed in last 4 years. Check my listings.
Embody all full version features in free version and distribute it as demo, where full features will be limited after 1 week. Or allow to open all features after payment. Or merge 2 versions and embody admob to earn on ads.
Also you may redesign the app, fix a few bugs to earn more.
I'm selling it, cuz it needs care and updates, and I'm not programmer and working on the other project.
This app has no counterparts. It's based on real medical gadget. Read the description for details.
How to make the app profitable and viral.
Cut full features. There're 3 fetures can be cut: sound of breathing (inactivate), timer set (just 15 minutes), color of glowing (just white). But not highlight that these features are inactive or cut.
Notify a user by pop-up window, that he can open 1 of these features if he share the link to the app with 1 friend or he can buy the app for 1$ and get all the features. So, either he invites 3 friends to open all features, or he buys the app. Making it viral or paying for it.
Article at tweaktown.
Article in Russian apps blog. This journalist could fall asleep in 10 minutes and was satisfied. After this article, downloads temporary raised up to 900%.
A few users reviews.
Brian Sanders, 12 feb 2016
Really does work!!! Just what I needed to sleep the natural way.
Jon Finlay,
Hahaha love the video! Certainly don't want that possessed cortisol near me at night!
Karan kumar singh,
It works... Awesome...