Story Book / Topic Android App Template with Admob

Source Code Only $79
Documented   Author Support   14 Days Money Back Guarantee




This is a simple Android app lets you show a list of Topics. When tapped on a topic, detailed content will be shown. User can share the content and can also add topics to favorites. Admob comes in the form of Banner Ad + Interstitial Ad. The content is pulled out of a which can be edited easily.


Demo App

You can download this app for FREE from the Play Store (just search for "Make Money Free - Work Home" app on play store by ImranQureshi) and Check the app and it's and Requirements

The App works on both Smart Phones and Tablets. You will need Eclipse to edit the project and builds. include:

  • View topics
  • Add topics to Favorites
  • Share content
  • Easy re-skin app by changing images and editing

How to Setup and Reskin

This project was created by a freelancer coder, whom we hired to make an app for our own project. We have used this similar source code to publish many Android apps. Since we are not our selves are coder, the support we can provide is very limited. If you have experience working with Eclipse and Publishing apps for Android. This should be piece of cake for you.

We do provide a nice little Supporting Doc which has information on how to Edit some of the important parts of the App. You can view this Doc online by clicking here. If you need information on how to sign up for a Google play developer account and how to publish Android apps using Eclipse. Please consider searching for it on sites like YouTube and we are very sure you will come across many good tutorials that can provide to you this information.


Licensing Agreement

Single App License

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Source Code Only

We will send you original source Code with multiple licences - Read More  |  License

  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $79



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