The Code:
- has RevMob and Chartboost
- has iAd, Revmob
- Facebook, Twitter, e-Mail ...
- GameCenter
- iPhone 6 & 6 plus support !!!
- universal app on iOS. Runs on iPhones, iPads and iPods. Ready for iOS8+!
Full documentation is provided with:
- Images needed to be changed
- Sounds folder - if you need to change it
- Where to insert your Chartboost IDs, RevMob IDs for iOS Code in the Xcode
Full documentation is provided with:
- Images needed to be changed
- Sounds folder - if you need to change it
- Where to insert your Chartboost IDS for iOS and Android
- What to check in Xcode before submitting to App Store
"2.11 - Apps that duplicate Apps already in the App Store may be rejected" from App Store Review Guidelines." So if you want to be sure about iOS release then you need to change the graphics.When this is said, then I don't mind if you "re-use" my original graphics.
The Support:
We provide full support so when you have questions, we’re here to answer. Hope you are as excited as me about this one. So let’s get reskining