Three Little Pigs Fairy Tale

Source Code Only $120
Reskin Store Submission? $1,299
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Read an amazing fairy tale story of 3 little pigs who are all set to go out on their own adventure as they are now grown up.

Enjoy the fun adventurous journey into the land of learning, Fun, entertainment and lots of different activities.

Read the story of 3 little pigs and their mother.

Find out all the hidden objects at the home that they are building for themselves.

Enjoy playing the jigsaw puzzle and join all the broken pieces of images. Put the objects into the correct shadow of the image.

Enjoy lot of different amazing games and activities in this fairy tale game for kids.

You can easily customize this App Template to any theme of your choice by just changing 2D Graphics, icons, Default images and sounds.

The source code is outstanding and is implemented in JAVA

Is already optimized for Mars Mallow (latest Android 6)

Admob implemented & ready

-  Find out all the hidden objects in their house and help them build the house properly

-  Enjoy the jigsaw puzzle and also put all the objects into their perfect shadows.

-  Enjoy the memory game and test your super memory power.

-  Also learn to count in the number learning game.

-  Share this amazing fairy tale game with all your friends and enjoy completing all the activities together.




Step 1 : Add google play services in eclipse

Open eclipse->file->new->project->android->android project from existing code->select project (select google play services)














Step 2 : Add Library in eclipse

Same as step1 (choose libcocos2dx)




Step 3 : Add google play service in library

Libcocos2dx->right click->properties->android->select google play service to by clciking on add button








Step 4 : Import your project in eclipse

Follow step 1




Step 5 : Add library to your project





Step 6 : Change banner id and instertitial id

Your project->res->values->strings.xml








Step 7 : Change your game name

Your project->res->values->strings.xml







Step 8 : Change your game package name




Your project->right click->rename application package->change your package name->ok










Click on finish to finish




Step 9 : Change icon

Select project->res->put 144*144 icon in

- drawable-hdpi

- drawable-ldpi

- drawable-mdpi

- drawable-xhdpi








Step 10 : Generate apk