Tube Music PRO - Free mp3 Downloader & Player for SoundCloud

Source Code Only $89
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Enjoy downloading FREE & legal music tracks from SoundCloud with the best music downloader app on the App Store!

The most completed, fast and fully app is here for you to download legal mp3 music files from SoundCloud.

You can search & discover any music file from SoundCloud and download it instantly!

Download Manager

  • Very fast downloading speed (built-in download plugin)
  • Unlimited file size downloading over 3G/4G/LTE & WiFi
  • Background downloading (no time limit)
  • Simultaneous downloads (up to 10 in queue)
  • Progress bar (realtime download speed in kB/s and % center alerts for completed downloads
  • Active downloads badge cancelled downloads

File Manager

  • Open files in supported files
  • Delete files

Audio music app style audio player

  • Supports mp3 files
  • Playlist support
  • Shuffle, one track options
  • Artwork display
  • Song list support
  • Background & lock-screen play & control

Other details

  • Passcode lock (lock your with passcode lock)
  • Discover music tracks from SoundCloud This uses the official SoundCloud API and respects their policy and only songs are available for downloading can be downloaded.

You can try the app here: 

Tube Music PRO - Free mp3 Downloader & Player for SoundCloud

- Easy setup by setting the Config.h file from the app project as show on the image below:


- Fill out the following :
- CLIENT_ID (The SoundCloud API key from SoundCloud developer account. You have to create a developer account profile from , create a new app and copy/paste the Client Id key to CLIENT_ID field into the code. The following screen show the SoundCloud developer profile example)
e.g. #define CLIENTID @"4357640d348f73edada6c7265f4e9e3";


- IN_APP_PURCHASE_SKU_NUMBER (SKU number from in-app purchase page from iTunes Connect account. You have to create an in-app purchase option from your app's page on iTunes Connect. Then you copy the Product ID and paste it into the IN_APP_PURCHASE_SKU_NUMBER in Config.h file and do the same for APPID)
e.g. #define INAPPPURCHASESKUNUMBER @"0714sdownloaderfullversion"
- APP_ID (The application ID from iTunes Connect account)
e.g #define APPID@"904363360"


- APP_NAME (Here you enter the preferable app name)
e.g. #define APP_NAME @"The Best Free Music Downloader & Player"
Create a Facebook developer account from and create an app.
Add the facebook app id from the official Facebook Developers page on the SDownloader-Info.plist file. Add the key to FacebookAppID field provided on the app project with fb as first characters e.g. If your FacebookAppID is 444698345873216 enter fb444698345873216 into the field of FacebookAppID. See the screenshots below:


- Icons & Screenshots:
Add the preferable icons and Splashscreens to Images folder as show below and with exact sizes to the app project by following App Store guidelines from this url :

Licensing Agreement

- License does not expire.


- Can be used for be distributed in binary or object form only


- Commercial use allowed


- Can modify source-code but cannot distribute works)


- Parts of the software are provided under licenses, as follows:


AJProgressPanel - under the MIT License

DejalActivityView - under the BSD License

Facebook SDK - under the Apache License

Pinview - under the MIT License

InAppSettings - under the MIT License

JSLockScreen - under the BSD 2-Clause License

LBYouTubeView - under the MIT License

LoadingView - under the Apache License

MBProgressHUD - under the MIT License

Reader - under the MIT License

SFHFKeychainUtils - under the MIT License

SIAlertView - under the MIT License

YRDropdownView - under the MIT License

WCAlterView - under the MIT License

ZipArchive - under the MIT License

You must Login or Register to purchase this item.

Source Code Only

We will send you original source Code with multiple licences - Read More  |  License

  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $89



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