Business/Individual Profile App

Source Code Only $50
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A customizable App for your business or individual profile. App features includes an information page, a contact page, links to social network pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.., Company location on Google Maps, along with a link to YouTube page and a page that lists all videos in a YouTube channel, with ability to play them, as well as the ability to share the app and the videos.

App customization instructions

- Change app package name in the project from 'com.digitalcairo.demo' to your own.

- Change app background and text color based on your selected theme in project 'app\res\values\colors.xml'.

- Replace app icon image file 'ic_launcher.png' in 'app\res\drawable' folders with your own.

- Select the icons with the best color for your theme from the included 'app_icons' inside 'app\res\drwable' folders and replace main menu button icons in 'app\res\layout\activity_main_menu2.xml' .

- in 'app\res\values\strings.xml' Replace:
- Screens (activities) titles.
- Your Google play app store url for sharing the app.
- Your website url
- Your Youtube, facebook, twitter, linked, instagram, google plus links.
- Your about us text.
- Your contact us telephone, email, website url.
- Your Google maps location latitude, longitude.
- Your Youtube playlist id. you can get get the playlist id from the playlist url. for example if your playlist url =, your playlist id is UUXmkIOIScvtCex7EJofD2wQ.
Note: the uses the YouTube API version 3 to get a list of playlist videos. This api uses a YouTube API Key. The app is provided with a working key, however if you want to generate and use your own key, replace 'videos_list_youtube_API_key' in 'app\res\values\strings.xml' with your own key. please check for help on getting a YouTube API Key.
- Add any extra desired buttons and their actions in 'app\res\layout\activity_main_menu2.xml' and 'app\java\<package name>\'.

Licensing Agreement

Mulitple app development license: You are allowd to produce unlimited number of apps based on the source code, provided that you must re-skin and change graphics, text, and content, to be different than the original app source code and assets.

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Source Code Only

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  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $50



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