Changing StartApp Ad Codes:
For changing Ad Codes in this project, open and replace the values of the string “YOUR_APP_ID” and “YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID” with your details and it should take care of everything related to displaying the ads.
Changing Package Name:
Since this is an Eclipse Project, you can just follow the below steps to change package name:
- As usual, by pressing F2 on the package name, you can rename or change the package name, and also by right-clicking and then select Rename option, you can change or rename the package name.
- When you press F2, it will show you the dialog box, in this dialog, don't forget to check the "Update references" checkbox because by making "check" to this check-box, it will make changes to all the references of the package which are referred by other components of project.
Replacing Graphics:
Go to the folder “assets” in the source code directory, there you will see 2 folders named “game” and “menu”. These folders contain all the graphic resources that are used by this game.
Replace the existing graphics with your new ones, just make sure that you keep the names of the components EXACTLY SAME as it may cause problems if you change the name while replacing.
Replacing app icon:
Just replace the image “ic_launcher” from the folders “drawable-mdpi” , “drawable-hdpi”, “drawable-xhdpi”, “drawable-xxhdpi” , “drawable-xxxhdpi” and you are good to go!
Changing URL for RATE dialog box:
Just go to and replace the value of the string “YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME” with your package name and you are all set.