New reliable promising medicine app in 28 languages.
Powerful medicine app: just embody in-purchase and start to earn a lot. The app has been approved by a bunch of journalists, who stated they indeed did fall asleep in 10-15 minutes through this method. 200 millions of americans suffer from insomnia (and 2/3 of the world). They all are your clients. Also I'm selling iOS version. Check my listings ot text me for detailes.
There's also nightlamp mode integrated in the app as inset.
All you need to do - it's implement in-purchase, block additional features and sell all features separately:
Different coloures of glowing - 1$.
Adjusting timer - 1$.
Sound of breath - 1$.
Block ads - 1$.
Or all of it for 1$. It's up to you.
For 1 week allow all features so user knows how useful the app is, then block and sell.
Also you can earn on the ads.
How to make it viral. Allow users to open additional features after sharing a link to a friend. Seperately allow to unlock sound of breathing or nightlight mode after sharing the link and so on. So, each of daily users will bring you 3 new users or will buy some of features.
The app helps to fall asleep in 10 minutes, based on real medical gadget, which is based on yoga breathing method. User must synchronize his breath with the app. The app helps user to breath through sound of breathing or glow of the screen. This method is named deep or yoga breathing, which reduces stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol keeps you awake.
The app has good reviews. Try it on you and you'll see.
The code has default design, so you'd better redesign it. Text me, if you want to buy the whole app with transfer or if you need iOS version (code or transfer). I'm changing field of activity and selling all my 30 apps with transfer.