Interior Design 3D

Source Code Only $67
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App available on Google Play:
Demo video:

Admob integrated.
App with inApp purchases.
Translated to 60+ languages.

App include parts:
- draw room plan, furnish your room, change room or 3D items textures (wallpapers, parquets, tiles etc.).
- photo project. take room photo and add 3d items or items 2d photo to project.
- augmented rality. 3d items in camera view
- virtual reality. Look your work result in vr mode.
- interior design ideas gallery
- camera. Take liked item photo and add it to your project.

Apps features: 3D interior design from 2D drawing, live project (as augmented reality), photo project (project from your room photo), interior design ideas.
With this app you can create a few different types of projects.
- Photo Project. Project from your rooms photo. You can add your room from "New Room" page and add your own objects photo from "New Object" page or add 3D objects presented in app.
- Live Project. Project from phone camera (augmented reality). Start project and add photo of your objects or 3D models to the camera view.
- Draw Project. Draw your room plan in 2D mode and app will convert it to 3D model. In 3D mode you can set textures, colors, wallpapers, parquets, tiles for walls, floors and ceilings. Also you can add 3D objects (furniture, appliances etc...) to 3D room.
After this you can watch the result of work in VR mode with or without vr headsets, also in "viewer" mode. Before switching to VR mode, make sure that the project is ready. return to it is NOT possible now.
Other feautures:
- New object. Add the photo of your objects to the app to use this in projects creation.
- New room. Add the photo of your room. It will be the base for photo project.
- Gallery. There presented the gallery of interiors sorted by categories. You can use this for ideas in your room design.



Open in Android Studio
- change color (color.xml), change icons (images)
- change app name
- replace admob id for banner and interestitial
- replace inApp purchases keyString
- replace urls of 3d files and gallery

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Sub Total Price: $67



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