Love Compatibility Test

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Have you ever thought about that, whether you are a good match with your partner, girlfriend or spouse? In this Love Compatibility Test game, there is Love test calculator which can help you to find how compatible you are with your partner. Being aware of your compatibility levels is hard to find out. However, our fascinating love tester/calculator will enable you to recognize the strength of love in your relationship, by analyzing different aspects like names, photos, thumb impression, dates of birth etc.

There are seven different love test games in this Couple compatibility game which are as follows:

In here, you can check the compatibility score by answering various questions. Questions are about your partner and you need to answer them correctly to have a good score. Hey, It's time to know your partner.

In this love card maker game, you can make a beautiful card for your special one who needs special attention. If you want to express your feelings but fall short of words, then make a beautiful love card for your spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. This love quote app has varieties of love stickers, love quotes, love wallpapers etc.

Astrological sign of couple will be done in this with help of date of birth. Therefore, we have developed a smart love test calculator that will let you calculate the horoscope compatibility percentage and your chances of a successful long-term relationship.

In here, a Photo Scanner will scan the photos of two people and calculates the love percentage by using a sophisticated algorithm. Photo scan will figure out, how you look together and how good is the combination of the couple.

In this number matching game, match yours and your partner's lucky number with the help of numerology, partner numbers can be used to determine if a relationship will be compatible or if there may be a difficulty. So let's take a compatibility test by matching the lucky number.

In here, with the help of birthdate of couple from love calendar is selected and then Numerology compatibility is an easy and proven way to check how compatible the couple is. This relationship compatibility test uses birth date and then forecast the compatibility score.

In here, You can check the compatibility with your partner by scanning their thumb and show them their love test results using thumb Scan Love Calculator. This love calculator will give you a score based on your names and fingerprints. Deal with your soul mate this test.

In here, there is a kiss love calculator that will analyze your kissing skills and make you blush at the same time. So explore the kissing experience and practice it at the same time. Also, check the compatibility in Kiss love Calculator.

In this view, they have gone different places and they are in a romantic mood. So here in this kissing game, we included various simple pranks like Theater Kissing Prank, Wedding Kissing Prank, Beach Kissing Prank, Restaurant Kissing Prank, Room Kissing Prank and much more. Complete each and every prank and Have fun with the couple.

Make them kiss while nobody is noticing them and make sure the progress bar is filled completely.

Do you want to know that you both are made for each other or not? Then what are you waiting for? Play The Couple Compatibility Game and find out that he or she is the right one for you or not.



Step – 1: Import “” to AndroidStudio.



————————Your Project Configured successfully—————————



Step - 2: make changes for Appname, in-App id and adMob id


2.1 = in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see app folder,inside that folder there will be a res folder,inside that folder there will be, value folder in that there will be a string.xml file

->open string.xml



->Make changes to fields according to your requirement here



2.2 = For example: your app name is Sky fighter and Currently It is having name “NewGame” in string.xml then


<string name="app_name">Your App Name</string>


<string name="app_name">Sky fighter</string>



2.3 & 2.4 =

Same As Above Change “admob_id” , “intersttial_id” , “base64_encoded_key”





Step - 3:


3.1 = Change Your Package Name :

->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see AndroidManifest.xml file

change “com.XXX.ZZZ” to You Packagename




3.2 =


->in AndroidStudio,Below the project Folder there will a other tab named Gradle scripts, click the arrow beside the Cradle Scripts

->open the "build.gradle(Module:withProjectName)"


In that replace your package name with the old one


For example:


applicationId "com.XXX.ZZZ"


applicationId "Your Packagename"






->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see “src” folder,inside that folder there will be a “org.cocos2d.cpp” folder,inside that folder there will be a AppActivity file

change “import com.XXX.ZZZ.R;” to You PackageName





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Sub Total Price: $100



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