Princess Wedding Bride Part 1

Source Code Only $100
Reskin Store Submission? $1,000
Documented   Author Support   14 Days Money Back Guarantee



Princess Wedding Bride Part - 1 is the one of the best game for all those girls who can imagine a perfect wedding day, like a royal princess. In this Wedding game, our princess is so busy to prepare with her wedding time.

Key Features:

- Design the perfect wedding in this girls salon game
- Help the princess look gorgeous in a wedding photo shoot
- Design a delicious wedding cake, wedding hall, bouquet
- Decorate the shoes using your creativity
- Find new weeding makeover styles in latest fashion games for girls

We will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime for any questions and suggestions at



                                              Demo APK

Step – 1: Import “” to AndroidStudio.





————————Your Project Configured successfully—————————

Step - 2: make changes for Appname, in-App id and adMob id

2.1 = in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see app folder,inside that folder there will be a res folder,inside that folder there will be, value folder in that there will be a string.xml file

->open string.xml



->Make changes to fields according to your requirement here


2.2 = For example: your app name is Sky fighter and Currently It is having name “NewGame” in string.xml then


<string name="app_name">Your App Name</string>


<string name="app_name">Sky fighter</string>



2.3 & 2.4 =

Same As Above Change “admob_id” , “intersttial_id” , “base64_encoded_key”



Step - 3: Change Package Name

3.1 = Change Your Package Name :

->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see AndroidManifest.xml file

change “com.XXX.ZZZ” to You Packagename



3.2 =


->in AndroidStudio,Below the project Folder there will a other tab named Gradle scripts, click the arrow beside the Cradle Scripts

->open the "build.gradle(Module:withProjectName)"

In that replace your package name with the old one


For example:


applicationId "com.XXX.ZZZ"


applicationId "Your Packagename"





->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see “src” folder,inside that folder there will be a “org.cocos2d.cpp” folder,inside that folder there will be a AppActivity file

change “import com.XXX.ZZZ.R;” to You PackageName




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Source Code Only

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Reskin/App Store Submission?

Get this App/Game Fully Reskinned(with Source Code) and Published on the App Store. - Read More  |  License

  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $100



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