Princess Wedding Bride Part 2

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Hello Friends, Hope you like our first part of the Princess Wedding Bride game. As per user request, GameiMake develop another part of the Princess Wedding Bride game. So are you ready to spend a wonderful day with a beautiful princess? Our Princess is so happy because soon she will marry a prince who is very charming. But she needs a professional salon to make her look beautiful for her big day. Become a wedding fashion designer in this bride salon game and give her pretty look.

Hair Design:
First of all, choose your favourite hair design and prepare it with proper guidance. After that choose tons of different hair decoration accessories and decorate her hair using your skills.

Hand Decoration & Feet Decoration
A wedding is a special day for the bride so nothing can be left out. Accessories can enhance bride's look. So here we included some of the varieties and great options for hand accessories and feet, let's select the unique once out of stunning fine accessories for hands as well as for legs.

Makeup for Weeding Girl:
The next step is the princess makeup session and there are lots makeup accessories that you choose for her stylish look like a beautiful hair style, blush, eye lenses, nice shape of eyebrows, eye shadow, lipstick and much more. After that choose unique designs of ornaments and decorate her hand and feet.

Dressup for Weeding Girl:
Next, you will help her to select an attractive wedding dress up like a stunning necklace, matching earrings, beautiful wedding dress, crown, bouquet, gloves, footwear and much more.

Enjoy the Romantic Dance & Kiss:
After completing all the makeover activities now itís time for the romantic dance with her dream guy. And then decorate the wedding area by selecting cool accessories and objects. At the end enjoy the kiss with each other and have lots of fun.

Wedding photography is important because it will capture your special day's memories, it will tell a beautiful story of your wedding day, a day you will never forget. So let's take amazing photos with a differente background. Bride and Groom have the best photographs for their special day.

Key Features:

- Perfect wedding salon game for girls
- Lots of wedding dresses to choose from
- Tons of beautiful accessories for wedding game
- Choose the most beautiful hairstyle
- Style the princessís hair for weeding
- Lots of makeup options to make her look best
- At the end of ceremony, enjoy the big kiss
- Best wedding bride game for girls


Step – 1: Import “” to AndroidStudio.




————————Your Project Configured successfully—————————



Step - 2: make changes for Appname, in-App id and adMob id


2.1 = in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see app folder,inside that folder there will be a res folder,inside that folder there will be, value folder in that there will be a string.xml file

->open string.xml



->Make changes to fields according to your requirement here


2.2 = For example: your app name is Sky fighter and Currently It is having name “NewGame” in string.xml then


<string name="app_name">Your App Name</string>


<string name="app_name">Sky fighter</string>



2.3 & 2.4 =

Same As Above Change “admob_id” , “intersttial_id” , “base64_encoded_key”




Step - 3:


3.1 = Change Your Package Name :

->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see AndroidManifest.xml file

change “com.XXX.ZZZ” to You Packagename



3.2 =


->in AndroidStudio,Below the project Folder there will a other tab named Gradle scripts, click the arrow beside the Cradle Scripts

->open the "build.gradle(Module:withProjectName)"

In that replace your package name with the old one


For example:


applicationId "com.XXX.ZZZ"


applicationId "Your Packagename"





->in AndroidStudio, navigate to your project and you will see “src” folder,inside that folder there will be a “org.cocos2d.cpp” folder,inside that folder there will be a AppActivity file

change “import com.XXX.ZZZ.R;” to You PackageName




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Sub Total Price: $100



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