Selfie Shmelfie

Source Code Only $59
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This app is designed for life-logging. Also for making unstaged life photos.

The app randomly takes photos of user when he doesn't expect it. But, of course, a user can set the time interval and conditions of recordings. The app saves photos to galleries, sorting by years, months, days. Also the app creates slide-show with indication of date. Just read the description and watch the video. You can quickly send any photo to your friend through any messenger or upload it to your IG or like that.

The idea of the app was deeper, but due to reasons mentioned bellow we didn't embody all the conception. The idea was to make a social network with the app. The app should automatically send photos in your account so your followers could watch your life in real time. At least the app may have ability to be connected to users account in IG or Twitter and upload photos there. But it can be just the app for unstaged photos as it is.

Text me, if you want the app with transfer. I'm changing field of activity and selling all 30 apps I've developed in last 4 years. Check my listings.

Selfie Shmelfie source code

App code, designed is Eclipse.

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Sub Total Price: $59



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