Baby Emma Preschool Picnic

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Baby Emma is very excited because she is going to the water park for a preschool picnic. But before going, she needs your help in packing. So let's join with Emma and help her to collect all the things listed in the packing list. Then enjoy school-bus drive to the water park while playing interesting games with her friends. Baby Emma wants to get wet in the pool, let's help her in applying sunscreen lotion, hair protection gel and make sure she puts on safety gears before getting into the pool. In baby Emma preschool picnic game you can enjoy different thrilling water slides, rain dance and many more fun activities at the water park. Have a fun-filled day with baby Emma on a preschool picnic.

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Gameiva brings you the latest creations of most loved categories of games and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We are entirely devoted to build user friendly games related to fun and learning for better educational familiarities and enjoyment for kids. Stay with us for the latest updates of Gameiva.

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                                                      Demo APK:-

Step 1 : Add google play services in eclipse

Open eclipse->file->new->project->android->android project from existing code->select project (select google play services)














Step 2 : Add Library in eclipse

Same as step1 (choose libcocos2dx)




Step 3 : Add google play service in library

Libcocos2dx->right click->properties->android->select google play service to by clciking on add button








Step 4 : Import your project in eclipse

Follow step 1

Step 5 : Add library to your project






Step 6 : Change banner id and instertitial id

Your project->res->values->strings.xml








Step 7 : Change your game name

Your project->res->values->strings.xml








Step 8 : Change your game package name




your project->right click->rename application package->change your package name->ok












Click on finish to finish




Step 9 : Change icon

Select project->res->put 144*144 icon in

- drawable-hdpi

- drawable-ldpi

- drawable-mdpi

- drawable-xhdpi








Step 10 : Generate apk