Music Player Mp3 Player

Source Code Only $135
Documented   Author Support   14 Days Money Back Guarantee



Music Mp3 Player to play audio from device. List all music from device play music.
- Display songs list by albums
- Songs list by artist
- Display songs folder wise
- List songs by playlist
- Change player visualizer screen
- Change Player Background skin

Import code

To import code in you IDE

1. open eclips

2. Import

3. Select General and select existing project into workspace

4. press next

5. Select zip file of source code from destination folder

6. finish

Rename Package

Convert my app to your app to do this

1. Rename package name

2. Right click on project ->Android tools -> Rename application package

3. change same package in androidmanifest.xml file

Change Ads Ids

To change advertist Ids

Startapp ads

1. Goto value folder open string.xml file and change developer id and app id


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Source Code Only

We will send you original source Code with multiple licences - Read More  |  License

  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $135



Ashish(1 Items)
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