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Hello Friends, if you like to play fairy games, then My Baby Puppy Tooth Fairy game is the perfect time to meet the puppy tooth fairy. Here little puppy wants to explore as Puppy is very active and that's why before going out it needs your help. In the first level, you need to select various things like toothpaste, tongue cleaner and very important teeth cleaning kit. Start the second level by taking care of little puppy by performing different tasks like preparing a drink, brushing, redesigning fairy stick and much more. By playing this kids game we learn about the making of toothpaste, brush and also grasp how to make a necklace. Improve your fashion and cooking skills in the tooth fairy game & don't forget to share it with friends.
- Help little puppy traverse the world
- Select different things like toothpaste, tongue and more
- Take care of the little puppy
- Prepare drink, redesign stick and more
- Learn to make toothpaste, brush and much more
- Very easy to play
Step 1 : Add google play services in eclipse.
Open eclipse->file->new->project->android->android project from existing code->select project (select google play services)

Step 2 : Add Library in eclipse
Same as step1 (choose libcocos2dx)
Step 3 : Add google play service in library
Libcocos2dx->right click->properties->android->select google play service to by clciking on add button

Step 4 : Import your project in eclipse
Step 5 : Add library to your project
Step 6 : Change banner id and instertitial id
Your project->res->values->strings.xml

Step 7 : Change your game name
Your project->res->values->strings.xml

Step 8 : Change your game package name

your project->right click->rename application package->change your package name->ok

Click on finish to finish
Step 9 : Change icon
Select project->res->put 144*144 icon in
- drawable-hdpi
- drawable-ldpi
- drawable-mdpi
- drawable-xhdpi

Step 10 : Generate apk