Welcome to safari adventure: My New Dog Baby Born from GameiMax.
Help those doggies to the journey from pregnancy to Parenthood.
Care for puppy's mom feed them food.
Both puppies' parents are in seventh heaven since new inclusion to their family.
Today the new baby had born and they are eagerly waiting to spend time with the new born puppy and to help puppy's mom to customize room and dress up her puppy with tons of clothes and accessories.
Every activity is a chance to love and pamper little puppy and if you also want to enjoy this fun adventure Join us Now...!!!
- The source code is outstanding and is implemented in JAVA
- Is already optimized for Mars Mallow (latest Android 6)
- Admob implemented & ready
- 6 existing mini games
- Food View with different foods
- Hospital view with oxygen mask
- care view with different toys and other tools
- House change view with different types of house, night lamps etc
- Gift view with different gifts that will attract your child
- BathView with shampoo and soap to clean your new born dog
- Dressup view with new dresses,sunglasses etc.
- Get coins to unlock locked item by playing mini games