Sound Meter

Source Code Only $55
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Sound Meter is a Professional sound level meter with graphics for your android device.
It measures loudness or sound pressure (SPL) in decibels (db).

- Analog meter, digital value and graphical changes on a single screen with no extra use of buttons
- Screen Display for the Noise Levels like traffic, jet plane sounds
- 0db to 140db+ range
- max/min values display
- 5% max error (depends on device hardware)
- predefined />- Level displayed through analog meter as well as with digital value in decibels
- Two different analog meters.


1. Due to microphone on different android devices, the meter range is different, usually the low end of the scale cannot be achieved due to the microphone noise and the upper end of the scale is limited by the microphone distortion on high levels.
2. Devices employing AGC Gain Control) will have significant measurement errors and limited range. This is not fault.

Sound Meter

Changing Package Name

You need to change package name in the .java files (src folder), and android manifest.

Replace in java files: Totally there are 4 .java files in src folder under one Packages. Open all these .java files in Notepad++ and replace the package name with a package name of your choice in all files at once. E.g. sound.meter.puzzle

Do not select "Match case".

AndroidManifest.xml: Replace the package name. Only one package definition is there at the top.

You may find it little hard to replace in first try, but in few attempts you can do it. For experienced users this is a simple task.

Adding/Deleting Sound Files

Put your sound files in res>raw folder. Give the corresping name for the sounds.
To delete a sound just remove it from raw folder and delete its reference from source file.

Changing App Name

Go to res/values/ directory and edit strings.xml file.

To change App name: Enter the name in the below string.
<string name="app_name">Sound Detector</string>

Changing App Icon

The application icon is present at res/drawable/ic_launcher.png. You can see ic_launcher.png in the following folders: drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi and drawable-xhdpi. The same image is placed in different sizes.

Create your icon image with the same file name and replace the existing files. Refresh the project for changes to take effect.

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  • Author Support
  • 14 Days Money Back Guarantee
Sub Total Price: $55



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